Sweeeeeeet! Just found out my image of the baby leopard "Warm" just won Decembers "photo of the day contest". Cool, I won a nice camera. All those contests I enter occasionally pay off. This win was a almost as good as the Dive Trip in the Bahamas that I won with Naui's "Just Dive" photo contest back in 2009. And can you believe I do all this online stuff "DIAL-UP"???? Yes, I said I'm on dial up. No cable, no satellite service
here. Yep, no clear southern exposure. Its a bummer but It's better then nothing. That's the price you pay for living in your own recreational Forrest here in the Santa Cruz Mountains. So, I'm stoked, its nice to get something from all those long hours waiting, waiting, waiting................Now if I could just pay my bills with it......
So my point here is if you don't enter, you can't win. Just be sure to read the FINE PRINT in the rules of any photo contest. They are tricky so you don't want to lose your rights to any
image. If its good enough to win a contest, then it must be pretty darn good and you may want to sell it in the future. Never give your rights away!
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